Quoted By:
*video package*
>Bonjour! I am Lil Miss Moufette. Tonight, I am going against 7 other madams. Seven women who trained just as hard me, love wrestling just as much as I do, and want the same as me, except, each of those 7 women want me to lose. Why am I going to win? When I first started in WWA, I thought I was going to make an impact, leave my mark. Let people know who I am. My first first match, I lost what I believed made me special. I lost my stink. How can I be ze skunk girl, if I do not stink?? I was lost, unfocused, and for zat, I lost my next two matches. Off to a terrible start and I began questioning if I even belong here. Then, Big Gal spoke to me. She made somesing very clear to me. I had to be sure of my myself, I had to know who I am. All ziz time, I sought I was ze stinky girl. But stinky is WHAT I am. Because, you take away my stink, I am still, ze submission master, ze technical genius, ze French savant, and ze wielder of ze most deadly weapon, my anus of fire and my heart of a skunk. I am…Lil Miss Moufette. Imagine how deadly I’m going to be wis my stink *winks at the camera*
>A pawshake may not seem like much, but to me, it signifies ze beginning, of great sings to come.