a few nights before, after a few moments of uncertainty, Ash emerges from the crowd, standing tall at the top of the stadium stairs. Her posture and demeanor are different, however. There's a bright grin across her face as she descends the staircase, battered and dented steel chair in hand.
>(It's that time again! You know what time it is!)She yells out into the sea of cheering spectators. As she makes her way down, she pantomimes and air guitars against the steel chair, in time with her music. Of course, when it becomes time to cross the barricade, she tosses the chair over, this time attempting to full send it into the ring itself. It just barely fails, hitting the top rope and rebounding back to the outside. She clicks her tongue and vaults over, grabbing the chair and lightly lobbing it through the bottom two ropes.
The music fades as she enters the ring. She's given a microphone.
>GooooOOOOD News, everyone!>You guys can get off your phones now! The Intercontinental Champion is on, making you care, once more!>Because, as well all know now>Whenever Ash Romero isn't on screen, people should be asking: "Where's Ash Romero?"...
>Unlike previous...She holds a hand against her face, gesturing a whisper.
>(And some current) champions.>Your questions won't be met with:Ash shrugs.
>"I'unno."She holds the steel chair over her shoulder, pacing in the ring.
>Of course. This means that I'm here to defend this Championship again, in an attempt to meet the absurd quota placed upon me by the powers that be.>Never let them say I wasn't a Company Gal.>So!She points up the ramp with her weathered folding chair.
>Bachelorette Number Two: COME ON DOWN!