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Man, Ryback and Tony are prime examples that no money nor pussy can give you respect or even self fucking respect at least neither heal the scars in your soul.
>Tony Khan
Dad's a billonaire, he can have ANYTHING that he wants on the planet, but the total absence of love from his parents when he was a child, alongside Wrestling who became his only escape from his lonely childhood (and maybe Autism or drugs) turned him into a complete deranged failure, he's on twitter every day, all day, still posting on forums, still rejecting any kind of advice, still believing that he's a victim and everyone's attacking him every day (Paranoid Schizophrenia)
Despite having access to such obscene amounts of money, he's still that kid playing on his room with his action figures, longing for GENUINE validation and admiration that no amount of money in the world can give to him
He's still trapped in that locker room with Paul and Vince laughing at his back, he's incapable of realizing that people change, Paul sent him a letter giving him a second chance
He thought that he was a star and everyone should've been on their knees for him, couldn't stand the biz, became a fucking mukbang youtuber and STILL he fucking got a 10/10 model girlfriend that looks like a decent person.
Guess what? Despite having access to prime pussy every day, THE GUY'S STILL FUCKING SEETHING OVER CM PUNK AFTER 10 YEARS, 10 YEARS.
The guy's a clown and everyone mocks him despite everything that he achieved (which isn't a lot but banging that girl should count as more than enough for most guys nowadays)
Shit like this makes me realize that even if I had money and a semen demon as a girlfriend nothing can truly heal the scars, the pain remains and no money or chick in this world will give you respect from the hood