Quoted By:
>reddit incarnate
>Raped bitch
>Scrambled egg for brain
>Mossad Agent
>Is a liberal vegan dyel manlet
>Uses cancer kids to get people to cheer him
>Started off wrestling around the attitude era, actually got some tryouts in WWE during attitude era, of course couldn't cut it because he couldn't hang
>Is only signed to WWE after the company had gone down the drain, but that wouldn't have mattered anyway since he now has mossad ties
>Wannabe Chris Benoit, couldn't lace Benoit's boots
>Ripped off Benoit's WM 20 match
>Had his obese smelly smarks hijack the company for him, inbred smarks pretend as if any of that was organic and not just mossad doing their dirty work
>Named his kid "Birdie" like a mentally ill tranny
>Married the jannetty of the bellas
>Had to retire because he's an unsafe shitter
>Stupid chant
>No charisma
>No character
>Has the build of a cruiserweight
>Gay beard
>Didn't draw a dime
>Even Kane hated working with him
1/10 should have never been allowed in the industry at any capacity