>>9917205>"Shogun and Onigiri would be the A team?>I fail to see how a couple of RICEAJABRONI's are A tier, especially when you compare them to the likes of us!>Madame Divine, who's charity work for this city knows no bounds. Feeding the homeless, giving them shelter, and donating to poor villages out in the middle of the frozen nowhere!>Nikki Kade, who has revolutionized this business into the money printing machine it is today, YOU'RE WELCOME SPAGHETTI DOG! >"The Hammer" Lucy Lincoln, second generation badass, and one of the top most influential people on social media in the entire WORLD! >Lightning Nika, who... *Sapphire thinks for a moment as the crowd begins to preemptively boo her for burying Nika*
>Electrifies the crowd and keeps them on the edge of their seat every time she steps in that ring, despite her losing streak!>Amy Flame, who's recently had that flame reignited under her ass to get better, and I see her training in that gym every day>It seems like i'm forgetting someone here...*Sapphire taps the mic to her chin, causing it to have audible feedback issues that she seems to ignore
>OH, Right!>Me! The single most humble manager and best friend in this who damn company anyone could ask for, and if anyone has anything to say about it then why not ask my good friend...>Corn Girl! Who will go on to win the rookie cup, and prove to the world that not only does a corn based wrestler draw money, but is also better than every other rookie, including some of my aforementioned Divine Angels!>Onigiri and Aina can think they're part of the A team, but I pity the fool who looks past the facts, jack! What have they done in this business? >Onigiri's ate 10,000 bowls of rice, never drew a dime!>Aina's done nothing but fail at the only purpose she has in life!>You hear the fans chanting "STELLAR STARS A SHIT"? That's an insult to fecal matter, shit is more illustrious than their little group will ever hope to be!