>>8987635Not counting when it was still JCP in the 80s. I think you can get the jist of what WCW was just by watching the PPVs until the late 90s.
For a while they reject the southern style of wrestling that was proven to draw consistently, and instead try to do a sports based presentation while still having shit tier WWF style cartoon gimmicks. But there's a brief period when Flair comes back and before they sign Hogan that WCW is at its best. If you're not American or have a VPN to watch the network, pretty much anything on TV with Steamboat or Vader is going to be good if you want to skim television.
You can start watching Nitro after the NWO is formed. I don't think you can really get their appeal or the rise of Goldberg without Nitro.
And then I guess just keep watching until it becomes unbearable. Don't force yourself too far into Russo's WCW unless you feel like you're getting something out of it.