>>10179378>>10179404A look of deranged intensity takes hold of Nikki's face as Ash comes out and cuts her promo. "You want to know why I fight?"
She chuckles. "I could tell you it's for the money. Because once upon a time, that was true. I could tell you it's because I've loved wrestling for as long as I can remember, because that's true too."
"But the real reason is so much simpler than that. I... we... We fight because it's fun. When we kick you in the head and knock you on your ass, that'll be fun! When we jump off the top rope feet first and double stomp your chest in, that'll be fun! When we get you face down, grab your arms, plant our boot on the back of your head and stomp your face into the mat, that'll be fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! We love making people like you feel pain!"
"And we love doing that because pain is the language that tells us who we are in this world, Ash. Physical pain, emotional pain, it doesn't matter, it comes in every form you can think of. And it drowns its victims in despair when it strikes. Chokes them with fear of its return when it leaves. I... we were taught that long ago. But we forgot until Madame Divine reminded us."
"So then, who are we? Who are you? Someone who causes pain? Or someone who has to take it? We choose to not be one who has to take pain, we choose to be the type of person that gives it. But which type are you Ash?"