Quoted By:
>/wooo/s death brought an influx of retards; the joshi threads over there were just as bad as the one's here. Literally a bug infestation.
>Discord trannies shitting up the board with organized raids and takedowns
>Wrestling as a whole has taken a downturn for the worst. No one gives a fuck about women's wrestling. It sucks, period. Unless its women's wrestling from the 80s with Megumi Kudo and psycho-looking facepainted bulldykes literally dropping each other on their fucking heads and actually knowing how to work a match, then don't bother. Be hot enough to show us your tits and ass and shut your motherfucking mouths.
>masculinity has been drained out of the industry and the cultural zeitgeist as a whole. You are not allowed to have masculine heroes and skinny geeks doing flippy shit with no semblance of a story to tell or rhyme or reason to be doing it is par for the course these days.
>The boards autism is at terminal cancer levels. The console wars, the shit flinging, the mental illness, the rape spam, the absolute nonsense. Its just tiresome. The "personalities" this board attracts witht heir main character syndrome and thinking everything is a work or a shoot and whatever stupid insider term they use to deflect not having employment or ingesting their medication is tiresome.
>Wolfclit's shizophrenic daddy and gay issues, his disassociation from and denial of reality, his lazy copy and paste "comebacks", his clearly talking to himself in his own threads laughing at his dumb jokes and his blatant pedophilia, the same shit "making no waves", "r thread" "dead board" "14 to 21" autism and spamming Rikishi's ass and his carefully crafted shit stories when he loses the argument daily. Its like being stuck in some Groundhog-Day loop where its the same shit over and over. Try explaining any of the vile shit he puts on this board to anyone not familiar with this place. Its pollution, nothing else.
>The jannies being clueless retards
>rape spam
>AEW is trannies.