>>13944373Last week and the week prior (
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GI_ELdzWwAEm9xP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ) indicate that the Rock draws around 2.45 million. And reports stated that, once The Rock was announced, the arenas sold out.
So yes, he is a confirmed draw. Also Im not sure a jump from 800k to 900k is 30%. Your math is off.
>>13944375You arent wrong that many new companies that have established competition are opperating at a loss. The problem is tho, those companies actually offered something of value. Amazon operated as a loss. However Amazon was and is the best online storefront for basically everything. So despite operating at a loss, the dominant marketing share means its attractive towards investors, and sooner or later Amazon would be the only player in town. In comes a panedmic and whoop-de-doo, profits are at an all-time high, now everyone is hooked.
Or Netflix. Also operated at a loss, but, again, market dominance made investors happy. It was so succesfull that other companies spammed their shitty service. And right now if I remember correctly, only Hulu and Netflix are currently profitable.
Meanwhile AEW lacks the market dominance. And you cant even argue about a high initial cost,, since once Okada's contract runs dry, do you really think he accepts a $400.000/year instead of a 4.5 million dollar/year deal? AEW really needs more growth right now, and instead its declining.
>it can exist without a profitand my argument is that AEW is a failing company, not a succesfull one. Im not arguing that it will go poof. You are right, it all depends on Tony bankrolling it out of pocket, but whats the fucking point wasting money to effectively just be seen as "not as good as WWE"? It doesnt make sense. A companies purpose is to be profitable. Not drain money and be considered "eh"