Quoted By:
So much catching up.
1. Skelly Skelly
2. Punk Elf
3. Gun Girl
4. Royalla Tigra
5. Mighty Milf
6. Azra
7. Pizza Girl
8. Wild Emerald
9. Winter Girl
10. Strapz
11. Kelly Omega
12. Curry Girl
13. Kuro Noire
14. Miss USA
15. Mary Mia
16. Violet Beauregard (No not that one)
17. Lilith
18. Farmer Girl
20. Pamela Poppit
21. Liberty Belle
22. Dollie Jones
23. Sheila Foster
24. Violet Rose
25. Odluv
26. Maddie Mediterranean
27. Kid Curry
28. THE Queen
29. Titty Pryde
30. Lion Huntress
31. kinoko chu
32. Tomboy Girl
33. Zunigoth
34. Surfer Girl
35. Hailee Brittania
36. Kumome Kumome
37. BarBack
38. Mamma Mia
39. Sora Lightning
40. Sola Fire
41. MuscleCat
42. Anne Nekko
43. Meg Nekko
44. Artificial Waifu S#5318008
45. Puppet Apprentice Penelope
46. The Burger Broad
47. I dont know name britfu with the flag on bra
48. Andromeda
49. Nico Goth
50. Wojteka, the Polish Bear
51. Princess Knight
52. StickerHead
53. Minnie Moo
54. Otokino Kotsuma(Pink Otoki)
55. Cactus Jane
56. Lola Sol Dorado
57. Lucia Sol Dorado
58. Mary James
59. Stephanie James
60. Pinnochiyoyo
61. Priscilla Divine
62. Nikki Kade
Mega Nekkos (Anne and Meg Nekko)
The Bogans (Sheil Foster and ?)
Oily Turks
The American Women
The Amerimutts
Las Princesas del Sol Dorado (The Princesses of the Golden Sun) (Lucia and Lola Sol Dorado)
The James Sisters (Mary and Stephanie James)
GUN ARMY (Gun Girl, Skelly Skelly, Might Milf, Pamela Poppit, Royalla Tigra, Wild Emerald, Minnie Moo)
Gothfus (Strapz, Zunigoth, Kuro Noire, ?)
The Covenant