>>15858444I agree completely. She hit the wall at 90mph of her own choosing. I still find her attractive in a certain way, a specific niche, just not what would be called conventional attractiveness.
>>15859051Nearly all individuals in wrestling have either severe behavioral disorders or legitimate psychological disorders. You almost HAVE to hate yourself in a very deep and personal way to be a wrestler, who else willingly beats themselves up for the entertainment of strangers in a fake sport? Why do you think they're all degenerates? Why do you think 90% of the women are coal burners? Very few people in the business are "psychologically clean".
>>15858463I wonder which one it is for her, severe insecurity leading her to subconsciously self sabotage in order to get LESS male attention or severe insecurity leading her to consciously imitate what she finds attractive in men in order to become more attractive to men (women being so solipsistic they don't realize that THEIR perception is not THE perception). Very common tactic.
Many such cases! Sad!
Looking at this pic of her I attached, I'm just now realizing she looks ALARMINGLY like my sister both before and after tatting and roiding herself up (just like my sis did)...