>>9785116>>9785280Shogun does her absolute best to keep up, but she's overwhelmed. It's the champion against a rookie, after all: it can't be helped. As she's stricken with Skelly's finisher, the energy leaves her body. She's still conscious, but she had fully realized: she was out of her league.
For now.
Shogun pants, drenched in sweat, and while normally she'd let out apologies, or an admission of weakness...this was different from when she fought a veteran like Mighty Milf. She wasn't in awe.
She was ready to rise above.
Shogun chuckles.
>I would ask for no less than everything the champion has.>Push me and Onigiri to my limit, and I assure you we'll come back sharper than any challenger you've ever faced.>Skelly Skelly...you're crafting yourself quite the warrior. >I hope you're prepared for when she's fully molded~