>>9966519(pre-beach shenanigans)
Shogun makes her way to Skelly’s residence, after making a quick stop to her house to grab her gym bag (and make sure Daimaou hadn’t broken anything). An interesting day, to say the least, even if her goal of an Amy Flame confession wasn’t achieved. But now it was time to train, and train, and train, a—
>Wha?!She immediately picks up the pace, turning the corner to see a car flooring it. She's not 100% sure, but she makes out a familiarly shrill voice barking commands and she swears she sees a stray orange pigtail sway out the window in the distance. Really, who else could have done it?
Considering her conversation with Amy Flame...she feels mixed emotions. THIS is who she wanted to stand up for? She'd really allow a "friend" to take a life for her own need to feel needed?! ...no. She couldn't have known about this. So Shogun would tell her. She whips out her phone, and thinks of a million ways to tell her...but really, the information is the punchline.
>I think Nikki Kade just threw a grenade at Skelly-san's houseShe puts her phone away. One more day. She just had to wait ONE MORE DAY, and she couldn't help herself. It was one thing to call her a coward because she didn't want to walk into a trap. It was another thing to do it while trying to take the lives of people she cared about, let alone hers. Her running pace turns to stomps into Skelly-san's house, only for her to see Holly.
>>9966566>Hope-Again-san? When did you...?>...actually, that's not important.>We're training. Now.Her tone is tense, but it's clearly nothing to do with Holly. She was going to pull Onigiri out of her nap or her bath or wherever she was and it was back to work.