>>9945289>Sure, it's fine. Skelly-san does. "Ai-chan," specifically.>I don't exactly know if I'll be a good "date," but I'll do my best. Including paying, if you want!Shogun gives a polite "thank you" as Amy holds the door.
>I do my best to keep tabs on every WWA roster member I can. Every rumor, every detail of their outside lives...sometimes it's helpful, sometimes it isn't. >Well, considering my record...maybe it just isn't. But I can't help myself; I like people, and I like knowing what I'm getting into.>And speaking of knowing what I'm getting into...on your radio interview? You were right.>I've been having second thoughts the second I offered Hope-Again-san my help.>There were moments of hope, like the Stellar Stars.>But what have I done since then, really?>Lost my rematch to Karna-san. Gone from a promising rookie to "Skelly's C-Team." Called a coward by everyone while she commands me not to take Nikki's constant challenges, even while she's hurting other people.>As a matter of fact, I'M putting myself on the line for Hope-Again-san, and I can hear the bile rising in her throat since I've joined! So ungrateful...>I've made Skelly-san an excellent rice curry, I guess. WOW.The "WOW" comes with a sarcastic flourish of her hands and a joyless chuckle.
>So.>The Divine Angels...they're real killers, aren't they?>I-I speak metaphorically, of course...then again, considering the footage Nikki Kade sent me of Little Beaver, maybe not.>So what exactly gets THE Amy Flame to stomach this? To be able to hurt her former kin...or, if the rumors are true, anyone the Divine Angels pick off the street?