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Current plans are to move LA Knight to Raw and Seth Rollins to Smackdown, after Seth drops the Raw belt to Miz, after Summerslam. Roman Reigns is quite livid at Knight's popularity and as is the case with anyone who's more popular than Roman, he's getting exiled.
Plan is to put the belt on Miz, who will continue the "fighting man's champion" gimmick but as a heel, as far as Hunter wanting to reward Miz for putting over a lot of Hunter's favorites. Along with undercutting any potential MJF signing by pushing Miz as a major heel to make the WWE's new owners realize "why do we need to sign a rip-off of Miz when we have the real deal on the main roster?".
Miz will get the belt and feud with LA Knight, with an eye towards putting the belt on Knight around the end of the year/early 2024 for a trial run.
The whole Usos/Roman feud is due to Roman wanting to shit on people who want the Bloodline to implode; the plan is for Roman to basically force the Usos to bend the knee and become subservient to him again after Summerslam. Roman also is wanting the tag belts back on the Usos, which Hunter is resisting mightily. Seth is also being moved to Smackdown so he can be ready to go to feud with Roman once it becomes apparent (AGAIN) that Rock isn't going to wrestle at WM 40, since the WWE is getting MASSIVE blowback on not putting the belts on Cody from USA Network.