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Honestly? At this point, I would let wrestling go in the direction it desires to go into provided I get a really decent wrestling game where I can have all that sort of stuff and stuff you don't mention that never gets seen on national television or in mainstream wrestling games like death matches and barbed wire. I want a well rounded arcadey game that gives me what I want with create features and doesn't have any qualms about vulgarity and violence. Give me my own universe times ten with what we get with the 2K titles or give me a wrestling game that's as cool and as fun as Mortal Kombat where I can make my own shit and have my own fun and make it a series that has consistent quality built on an engine that gets better weith every iteration and you will have my money, guaranteed. Yes, the onscreen product is the main sorudce of revenue and yes you want me to be exposed to the modern crop of wrestlers you're pushing, but give me that littel slice of the pie and you can do what it is that you want with what you have today.
Video game characters don't get permanent injuries from repeated chairshots and are back to normal for RAW the next week. I beat the fuck out of Buddy Murphy with William Regal's brass knucks all night as his finisher for an hour straight until he looked like Nash's asshole after '92. And unlike his asshole, Murphy was fresh as a daisy the following week.
I'll take that and a few other great features.