>>14513989Rating these from importance
Disaster level:
>VLADAAAAH DEFCON 2!, Dimes look, most expected name since Thunder Keck. Possibly a shitter but
>Ferozsigh. the only good brazilian ass, didn't do shit for a year though
>Bearhillmy fucking day is ruined, no more Indian Bearkino
>BaldiThe next gen robot italian, damn, the actual likable retard
Meh level:
>Darrell Masonsmiley mininigga from Next Gen. had some potential
GTFO level:
>keyshawn leflorethe autistic Next Gen gay ass mysterymeat - who gives a shit level
>Ezekiel Balogundime-a-dozen nigga
>Emma Diazdime-a-dozen female whitey, doesn't even pass the Walmart test
>Kiyah Saintdime-a-dozen female nigga