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Minnie Moo's music hits as she shuffles onto the stage, startled by her own pyro as it goes off, tears already in her eyes as she slowly makes down the ring to thunderous applause, much to her own consternation, she tries to hush the crowd, trying them to pipe down as she slides underneath the ropes, cliping her forehead on the ring apron, causing it to bleed.
Crying she's handed a microphone
>F-first of all, thank youuuuuuu for voting for me in the polls. I quite literally couldn't have done it without you. Buuuuut.
She sniffles, blood gushing from her forehead.
>T-they want me to fight again, T-them, in management. I haaaave toooooo. A-against anyone they want!
The last word coming out as a combination between a sniffle and a 'moo' sound.
>A-and it's gonna be a hardcore maaaatch!
Sobbing she drops the mic to thunderous applause, running forward blindly she tumbles between the middle and the top rope, sending herself crashing to the floor. Between the cheering crowd and sobbing a quiet
>...I wish the lord would take me
is heard.