>>9947188Shogun sits in silence for a few moments. She stands up, walks away...and grabs Amy some tissues, gently sliding them across the table.
>If you're telling me the truth...then that doesn't make any sense, either.>Do you want to know how I met her, Amy?>A sparring match. I walked up to her in the dojo, only having ever heard her name but never seeing the face, thinking I was in a world of trouble when she told me...and I handled her quite well.>She still hasn't admitted that I had any edge over her. She just said she had "something better to do" and stormed out of our spar.>She'll never ask for help directly, or at least if she does, it's when there's desperate times. Desperate times your new "friends" pushed her into. >She's stubborn, but a loss, no matter how brutal, isn't what gets her guard to crack. Let's face it; if she shows up to a 1v4, she'll be making fun of the things you all do on Lonelyfans for weeks and still want nothing to do with you.>If you want to be her friend, this was a terribly stupid way to go about it.>But there's another problem: I don't think you're that stupid.>You figured me out like *that.*Shogun snaps her finger.
>I want testimony on what the Divine Angels do behind closed doors. If you really want to help Hope-Again-san, give that to me.>If you don't give it...then we're at an impasse. If the Divine Angels ends up being "what you want," if you truly think they have your best interests at heart...I wish you the best.>But you and Holly Hope-Again will be enemies until the day either of you die if you stay with them.>And until that day, I'LL be her friend. Even if she never admits it. Even if I'm beaten within an inch of my life.>...so?