>>16498553>The only NPC here is you thinking flipping and doing pirouettes all over the ring is good storytelling.When exactly did I say or imply flipping is good storytelling? I want you to quote the posts where I supposedly did. I gave a variety of wrestlers in different sizes and styles that are all better than the Rock. Go ahead and expose yourself.
>Yuroshitters should have no opinion on anything wrestling related.Not at all surprised that a Rock asskisser can't read, since you're the target audience for that shit. I said I'm from the US.
>>16498622>Your crying over Dwayne belonging on wrestling's Mount Rushmore is in fact solely about racism.Purely Amerimutt conception of wrestling. Wrestling exists outside of America and there are many wrestlers both foreign and domestic that are far better than The Rock.
>I'm not telling you how to live, but your racism really has warped your mind to such a tremendous degree that you don't even seem to be aware of it.Booker T is better than The Rock. Your average AAA/CMLL champ is better than The Rock. Unless you buy into his corny ass minstrel show, which is his entire appeal for NPC's, he sucks. Who else supposedly belongs on this Rushmore? Hogan sucks, too. Austin was above average, but again, it's "sports entertainment" and Vince that made him, not his talent alone. Make a compelling argument for Rock why belongs there not based on his terrible acting.