>>10457450>"Of course! Thank you so much for inviting me, Empress!"Colby sits at the Empress's invitation. At the mention of champagne and baiju (that's some sort of liquor, isn't it? she might have heard something once in college, but she can't recall it now), her liver and kidneys tremble in dread at this continued abuse from last night. But her conscious mind welcomes the thought of a drink, perhaps a bit too readily: it'll help her speak more casually, and blunt the searing pain in her back. She brushes aside the troubling thought that perhaps she's getting a little too accustomed to heavy drinking lately.
However, when the Empress asks Colby about her day, her sudden deep blush and brief hesitation may be telling.
>"My day? It's been rather nice, actually. I spent some time with Amy early on, and then between training for the four-way ladder tag team match at Onsen, and moving some of my things into the Divine Mansion, it's been very busy. Work hard and play hard, you know?">"How have you been, Empress? I know your duties and training must keep you very busy, but I hope you're finding time to enjoy yourself in Spaghetti Town despite the awful things that happened at the peace rally. And by the way, let me also congratulate you on your strong placement in the Best Design fan poll! You deserve it and even more. You have SUCH a beautiful wardrobe, and you always put your hair in such beautiful styles!"When the server brings the drinks and fills their glasses, Colby gives him a quick nod and taps two fingers on the tabletop.