>>17080204It’s hard to tell because he has 3 computers in his brain thinking about 3 different things at the same time. I’m no mind reader but it’s safe to say here’s what he is thinking.
Computer 1
>i miss lunch at Titan Towers. What the FUCK is that meal called with the little pieces of steak? They used to wrap it in some kind of bread. I keep telling my chef and he’s sent out Cheesesteaks 5 days in a row now Brain 2
>what sort of shit is Paul booking? Brock should have squashed Dusty’s son by now Brain 3
>RE my last thought, Brock not only should have squashed Cody he needs to take that uppity wife of his ruin that chocolate PUSSEY. As far as it can go…But even FURTHER. Such good shit, pal.