>>9992718No, i don't think that happened. However, if you want a dark old school story here you go:
Back in 2009 when the Von erichs were inducted into the WWE HoF, i remember a shoot interview with Kevin von erich becoming the talk of the wrestling forum i used to post in. The guy who uploaded it had one of those xXx_Edgelord_xXx kind-of names but was actually a pretty cool user that marked out for any new WCCW stuff he could find because he had basically watched it all. Anyways, one day i log in and see a thread with 100+ replies (Which was a note-worthy occurance because the forum wasn't big by any means), the subject being: "Kevin von erich shoot". The edgelord explains that he was torrenting some fan cam footage of live events after the 1st parade of champions but was surprised to find, at the bottom of the file list, an MKV file titled "KVE Shoot 00-00-00". He had already watched the first seconds of it before making the thread but i had to scroll down about 20 or 30 replies before he could convert it to a format that the site supported, eventually he did upload it and that's when the thread blew up
The video start with a shitty "title card" and after that the first thing we see is Kevin von erich sitting in front of a white wall. The off-screen interviewer starts asking the usual questions about travel in the territories, how did they used to call matches, what was the booking process, etc, Eventually the interviewer touches the topic of his brothers and the video goes black for a moment, when we're back with Kevin it's obvious that he was crying. The interviewer says: "Let's try to get that again, ok?" and Kevin starts explaining...