>>10168521>Huh? Oh...Sola...T-Thanks for that.*Mare is surprised by this turn of events. Not two months ago her and Sola were at each other's throats, and now she's offering compassion? It's actually been hard for her to process all the love and outpouring she has been getting from everyone, as C.A.M.O. most likely would have berated her for showing a sign of weakness. Was it right to let her guard down? Was C.A.M.O. wrong about the outside world? Then again, however bad it was, Mare did have the opportunity to have a sort of "childhood", wheras C.A.M.O. was always staring down the barrel of a gun from a young age...Was that why she was accepting of this compassion? Because Cammie wasn't here? Lost in thought, she continued onward, trailing behind Karna...*