(Gotta pack for the weekend and get ready for bed so posting this earlier than I was planning. Sorry to the anon I said I would wait on.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyaEJmBneic*ALL I HEAR IS BLAH BLAH BLAH*
Holly Hope-Again's theme tune hits, and the outspoken rookie makes her way to the ring, tossing the mic from hand to hand as she does so. She steps into the ring, holds the microphone firmly in her hand and raises her other hand up in an extended fist, allowing the music to fade as she poses.
>Two!She turns outstretches two fingers from her first
>Zero!She closes her first and brings it back down to her chest.
>That's my record in singles bouts. Undefeated. Unconquered. Unquestionable.>My opponent... she's lost a match. A match against an opponent who quite literally isn't half the size of the FIRST WOMAN I beat in this company.Holly opens her mouth to continue, smirks, and then stops.
>But... I digress.>This isn't a question of records... of match histories or of "who has beaten who". For Christ's sakes, we're rookies! Brand new to the WWA! We've each got about 3 matches each. Less than that in singles outings! Any kind of attempt to speak to the past, and to old transgressions... it's pointless.>The past... That's what this match shouldn't be about.>And that frankly is what Ranger Rabbit... our dear Justice Jupiter has come here espousing the values of.>We've heard her speak, and I have taken the liberty of ruining my search algorithm by looking into the cartoons she so frequently references...>Dragonball>Sailor Moon>Power Rangers(1/3)