>>13485130So now they're tired from ballet so they do a bunch of restholds. MJF does 1 cool thing that looked like a bearhug which he turned into a DDT so I give him props. More submissions, then some brawling, always bad acting though especially with the slapping and the yelling that made it cartoony. Taz says Brian has finally warmed up, and Brian tries DDT'ing MJF but he wasn't strong enough. MJF didn't struggle out or anything, in fact his leg was injured at that point so Brian just failed for no reason, especially since he's "warmed up finally." And then more bad acting, Bryan attacking the injured knee but MJF noticeably puts that injured leg forward instead of backward? Even though psychology would be to be keep it out of harm's way? MJF does more nonsense psychology, doing the opposite of what one should do when his leg is injured. Up on the ropes all wobbly, elbow drop through a table that was literally only a foot away from the ring. He does more piledrivers on Bryan. The thing that switched the momentum was Bryan falling on his butt and hitting his arm on the ropes, somehow that killed all his energy despite being "finally warmed up" just a second ago. MJF's leg injury should be worse and he should be more tired at this point but I guess Bryan forgot that. So he gets dominated for a while and they do more cornball antics, MJF's lines sound like they're for a movie, not in some gritty wrestling match. He beats on Bryan until the momentum switch which is him on the outside getting slammed into the post, again, poor ring psychology. MJF was trying to pin an untired undamaged Bryan at the beginning now when he's barely able to walk he's suddenly gonna prolong the match and step outside, hobbling on one foot? Makes no sense, this is shit psychology. But yeah now the momentum is with Bryan, he beats up MJF does a diving headbutt on him. Commentary says it was head to head even though it was clearly not? Bryan's head missed MJF's head, pic related. I'll record