>>16027145>>16033651>>16037974>Lita says sometimes she would have to play the tile of "mom" when Matt and Jeff would fight.>Lita says that Jeff didn't give a shit and every day he showed less and less interest in wrestling. She says it was his rebellious phase.>Lita recalls the Vengeance ppv where Matt faced Jeff that she was guest ref for. Matt got badly ill with a stomach flu, and Jeff was disinterested in wrestling in any way, so Lita says it wasn't a fun show and that explains why the match was so bad.>Lita says she, Matt and Jeff all had to put their foot down and say "no" when creative wanted Jeff and Lita to kiss and become an on screen couple, betraying Matt.>Lita was genuinely pissed off when she was kicked off the show the first day for losing the competition, which was climbing a ladder that was hanging from a helicopter. She thinks that Jeff purposely lost the competition because he knew he couldn't beat Matt's time. She says Jeff denies this but she thinks she is right.>This book was written in 03/04 and Lita speaks a bit about Jeff at the time of writing. In the early 2000s Jeff wasn't in a strong place with drug issues and what not, and Lita says her and Jeff always had an incredible bond, but in the past year or so, Jeff had become very distant. She says Jeff tends to isolate himself and the two of them don't hang out like they used to. She closes the chapter by saying, "In fact, it doesn't seem like Jeff hangs out with much of anyone these days."My self-destructive king... they could never make me hate you!!!