>>10221009Sapphire smiles at Nikki
>Oh of course not, you're not some nerdy LOSER like these fans! Sapphire shoots them another glare before she looks at Nikki with a raised eyebrow, knowing nothing of japanese culture or the sort
>Japanese hot spring bath houses... What, are they too poor to afford in home bathrooms or running water? >Wait, then where do they go potty at?Her eyes go wide in surprise as the idea that everyone must go to public venues like the GJPW arena to relieve themselves enters her mind. And to think she's going to be INCHES away from that! At least it wont be her head going in the toilets.
>How often do they, like, change the water at these bath houses? Cause that sounds kinda gross honestly. >>10213763Sapphire looks at Amy with a grin
>Wow, that stuff works fast. >I think i'll pass on taking a dip in the baths here though... these people sound disgusting.>No, Amelia. They'll give us seven ANGELS. Stars are so far beneath us it's not even funny!