Quoted By:
>obsessed with going over
>considers himself Austin Rock level
>puts people over but always gets his wins back
>seethed when THQ showed pictures of him in a weak position in their video games
>self-inserts himself in every hot angle
>believes he's a mastermind of wrestling
>legit genuinely believes he's one of the top 10 top 20 ever
>seethed over not headlining wrestlemania not once, not twice but THREE TIMES. 3 fucking separate years he is still mad about today
>believed he was such a shoot badass motherfucker so much to the point he'd do well in UFC with zero experience....
>believes he's the locker room leader everywhere he goes
>asks himself "what would Harley Race do?" whenever he's unsure, as if he's anywhere near half the man Harley was
Shit, I think we got a double Michaels. Even fucking Bret forgave Shawn and Vince and isn't the big head he was years ago. These two are a pair of the most demented narcissists in wrestling ever.