>>9259813Originally I had set on 2 matches per day, fitting in with the 2 simmed matches per thread that I usually posted. But fellow anons said that it would be quite slow. And in retrospect, I agree. I'm very happy that I went with 3 matches per day instead.
>The 20 Woman Rumble.To whomever suggested this, I love you. But also fuck you. It made sense to have it, but it gave me soooo much work creating the CAW's. I've lost a night of sleep over this match by itself, of who should be in it, in what order, potential winners. Who would make the most sense to open. Let alone the issues I had running the simulation. This is the match that I had to re-record the most due to technical issues that made it impossible for the rumble to end. I could feel my poor PC rig chug trough it at some point. But it survived, thank god. I did not expect Kuro to win the rumble (Had my money on Pizza Girl or Punk Elf). But it makes for interesting storytelling.
PK and Lillith V The Meganekko Powers:
Made sense to be on the card, RRanon and PKanon have been knocking out of the park with their character building, and it was time for the Meganekkos to have some relief. Not entirely happy with how their CAW's turned out, but it's the best I could do with their intricate designs.
>MM V Zunigoth.A match I was worried about that if MM would have won, that everyone would call bullshit, since she's my creation. I'm very happy this match was recieved very well, and the way the match played out just made so much sense storyline wise. I'm very proud of this one. The right person won, IMO.
>Tag Team Title MatchAnother one of those matches that I was woried about the logistics about due to the absence of Beera. The promos from the rest of the competitors knocked it out of the damn park. Tag matches are usually hit or miss, I've noticed when simming matches, but this was very much a hit to my relief.