>>10138253>>10139103Fresh off her victory, La Misquita rolled under the ring to return to the Spanish announce table, grabbing a free microphone and tapping it against her palm a few times.
>¡Oye, leona! Fue un buen esfuerzo el que pusiste.>Espero que esto no sea demasiado dañino para tu "orgullo", ¡jaja!>Pero sí, ¿dónde diablos estaba esa victoria cuando la necesitaba en la Copa Rookie?>¡Todos ustedes deberían haber estado animándome! Misquita! Misquita! Misquita!Despite her efforts, La Amenaza Naranja is unable to get a chant going. She scoffed, giving a wide shrug at the audience.
>¿Sabes que? Si he colgado uno de ellos en mi pared de trofeos, puedo hacer el otro. ¡Nefertiti, cazadora del Corazón de las Tinieblas!>>10139148>Oh, espera, puede que no hable español, ejem...>AYO NEFFATIDDY, HOWSABOUT WE GET SOME FIGHTS ON FLEEK MAH NE--Misquita's mic is abruptly cut off! She tries to wave it around, as though that would do anything, then drops it and returns to her seat at commentary. Later on, she is told by officials not to go anywhere near such language, and to be fined $50,000 for hate speech on public television.