>>9690293Honestly, I probably would still be in an unhappy marriage but trying to fix
it if she ever had wanted to try with my son's mother today, just so I could
be more present in the home with Jax. Statistically, the benefits of being
raised in a two-parent or single-father home are far greater for Jax’s future
development when compared to being raised in a single-mother home.
For instance:
63% of youth suicides are from single-mother homes.
90% of youth runaways and youth homelessness are from singlemother homes.
85% of children who show behavioral disorders are from singlemother homes.
71% of high school dropouts are from single-mother homes.
70% of youths in operated institutions are from single-mother
80% of all youths in prison are from single-mother homes.
By comparison, the statistics when it comes to children raised in two-parent
households or single-father households are almost identical when it pertains
to the success of that child in society.