Quoted By:
>[Sola Fire finishes another set. Her mind is full of everything that has happened for her lately. Nikki’s attack; missing Showdown; defeating Big Gal; confronting Cassie. But she can’t help but think of someone else as well: Holly Hope-Again. Holly is in deep with the Divine Angels, a position Sola knows unfortunately well. She can’t even recall if she’s met Holly properly, but everyone in the WWA Dojo knows ‘The Alpha’ who lost her smile – or maybe her scowl. If those rumours of Holly in Thailand are true, then God help whoever steps in the ring with her next.]
>[But, there’s more. Can Sola afford to be so selfishly focussed on Cassie Kade before Bishoujo at the Beach? If anyone wanted to help Holly take down the Angels and save… anyone inside, it would be Sola. Was she making the wrong decision? Is her personal desire to cross names off a list going to lead to her own destruction? Nikki was on her list anyway. So was Amy. And Nika. Sola gets out her phone and sends a short DM to Holly]:
“Hey, not sure if we’ve met. I’ve got Cassie coming up at BATB, but if you need a hand taking down the Angels, just let me know. I’ll help however I can, even if it means forfeiting to Cassie.”
>[Sola doesn’t expect a reply, nor does she even know what she wants to hear. No rest for the wicked, back to work.]
* Note: Sola has no memory of her rant by the river to Amy and Holly.