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[Unintelligible] recently sat down with WWA mainstay Sheila Foster. Please note that some colourful language has been redacted.
>Sheila, we haven't seen you much in the ring following your loss to Mighty Milf. Any reason for that?
"Yeah nah, mate. Look, I had a cheeky little [redacted] win streak brewing and then Milfy came in and crushed me like a [reddacted] bug. Yeah it sucked, but I ain't here to [redacted] in her cereal, ya know? Youse all know this wrasslin's a dangerous game. Besides, see what happened to her when she declared herself going for the Inty gold? [Redacted] me. Too many [redacted] gingers around here."
>What are your thoughts on the Rookie Cup?
"Mate. I [redacted] loved it, mate. No idea who this [redacted] yellow [redacted] Corny Gal is, but I love seein her work. A powerhouse to my own heart, she is. Tossin' [redacted] around like a twenty cent sack of [redacted]. But Steeli's a tough one to read, ya know? She could steal the whole thing like a [redacted] Abo at the [redacted] petrol station. Oh [redacted] sorry, don't print that. [Editor's note: we did print that.] [Redacted] like Olivia and Beaver and Karna all showed why the [redacted] Dojo is the place to be, although, well, we all saw what happened there, hey?