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Wasn't luck or skill, it was capitalism.
The WWWF was a very profitable territory not because it was good but because it could get away with being bad. New York is densely populated, and as was the practice at the time, wrestling was on one of 3 TV channels. Where the south had the all time great workers and compelling angles when needed, WWWF could coast on "come see a giant man who shares your ethnicity."
Vince inherited the WWWF, he can say he bought it, but we all know he "bought" with money the company was already projected to make. And then proceeded to take over other territories by buying out their roster and television time slots.
In capitalism the better products are alway replaced by an inferior one owned by someone who can do something good enough cheaper. It's why you slurp down corn syrup instead of actual sugar. It's why watch VHS instead of betamax. And it's why you watch multinational corporation WWE instead of a local territory that is part of your community and supports your local businesses, schools and charities.