>“Two gay men living in Paris developed monkeypox symptoms at the start of June and went to a hospital, where their lesions were identified as being caused by the disease,” reports the Telegraph.>“The non-exclusive couple, aged 44 and 27-years-old, developed sore lesions in their anal region as well as over the rest of their body a week after having sex with other men.”>12 days after the couple reported to hospital suffering symptoms of monkeypox, their four-year-old male Italian greyhound was found to have also developed lesions and pustules on the stomach.>Media reports about the issue suggested the infection happened merely as a result of the dog being in close proximity to the infected couple and didn’t dwell on the fact that the dog was also suffering from “anal ulceration.”>the dog was also suffering from “anal ulceration.”>the dog was also suffering from “anal ulceration.”>the dog was also suffering from “anal ulceration.”And this story comes just weeks after a couple of kids came down with it. As if we didn't have enough proof that gays are prolific child rapists.