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This one goes a little deeper. It started out as a guy replying to people in every thread in which Sasha Banks was mentioned. He would go on for paragraphs defending her and whatnot. Eventually people realized his distinct way of talking and could identify him based on his posts alone. As time went on, people would mention Sasha in off topic threads to bait some replies. Sashaschizo caught on to this and stopped replying to anons directly, but would still seethe in long rambling paragraphs in the thread. People here kept messing with him, making crazier posts about Sasha Banks (that she was cheating on her husband Mikaze, and that she fucks fans are two of the most popular memes). Sashaschizo then started going in other threads talking about women wrestlers and insulting them or stating that "they are in a committed relationship with *insert partner name here*", calling others virgins and saying that women wrestlers don't date fans. The guy is literally on this board 20hrs a day. During NJPW Windy City Riot, sashaschizo was in a thread saying he was at the event and challenging anons to confront him (or something? Idr exactly). He posted pictures of the ring from his point of view, and this lead to some anons trying to find his identity to dox him off the board. As of now, I don't believe his identity has been confirmed or not and his posts seemed to have dialed down a bit. There are also theories that he is also the Mandyjanny and Blisstranny ("two" other waifu obsessed freaks that spend hours yelling at each other on here. Though some have speculated that it's just one person). The way they type is also really similar to Sasha Banks' husband's Instagram posts, leading a few (mainly myself) to believe that the schizo is actually shoot married to her and is defending his wife. Some others might have more info, screenshots to fill in the gaps. This is just my first-hand knowledge of them.
Pic related is the prime suspect.