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New KWAB of the Year Contender
JCup2013, Wrestling Observer Board “insider”. Name derived from either the J-Cup tournament or his bra size. Both feasible if you’ve seen a Board get together.
>claims to have inside information, especially on AEW
>one of the mods claims he knows who JCup is, defends him vehemently and is equally mental
>writes in the vague style of phony scoopers such as Rovert and the debunked Reddit dipshit
>as such, throws out tons of shit that is either plans change or I told you
>categorically wrong about multiple things, including AEW announcing a new billion dollar tv deal months ago. As Tony said, Collision was a separate deal on the same timeline as Dynamite, no billions.
>took mental health break from Board because he was badgering contacts for information on CM Punk return
>Dude, it’s an unpaid gig on a fake fighting board with less than 1k posters per month, no one gives a fuck. Stop being so stressed.
>returns because he hates handsome, rich Cody and this documentary
>still posting in vague terms, can’t just admit he knows zero but is so angry about “secondary promotion” he needs to lash out
To sum up, no info, no mental health break, no compensation, no recognition, no milly.