"Ms Flame, thankyou for coming to this meeting, I'm Clara from Talent Relations, please have a seat."
>Clara's tone is professional yet comforting, the women shake hands and Amy takes a seat in a much fancier office chair than the last one"The reason we called you in today is..."
"The thing?" Amy interrupts
>Clara folds her arms and frowns"Amy, the thing is old news. Mark Ketting is gone. The matter is closed."
>Amy looks puzzled"So I'm not being released?"
>Clara reclines back in her chair"Amy, this is a performance review not a disciplinary."
"Amy, you're a product and we're trying to sell you to as many people as possible, but frankly we can't get a read on who you are. You're chaotic. First you're in a stable then you're not, first you're feuding with someone then you're trying to be friends with them. Are you "Full Heart" or are you "Dojo Ace"? We've got one hundred thousand Amy Flame action figures sitting in a warehouse and now you're not wearing your eyepatch anymore. It's all very... confusing."
>Amy sinks into her chair"Where's the Amy Flame who got beaten up in the Dojo and came straight back the following day? Where's the Amy Flame who ran *towards* a fiery explosion to rescue Hailey Britannia? That's the Amy Flame we want in our company and that's the Amy Flame people want to see."
>Clara stands up and perches on the edge of her desk"When you were training with Skelly Skelly did it ever occur to you to learn all of her strengths and weakness and then smash her in the back of the head with a chair and challenge her for the championship? I can tell from your expression that the answer is no. That's the problem though, isn't it? There are plenty of girls on the roster who would've seized that opportunity but you didn't. What about Violet Beauregarde, you still owe her a beating, don't you?"
>Amy sits up in the chair and leans forward"I'm upholding a standard, I..."