>>10567217I observed these things while I had to meet people and perform my obligations to the event. I was really anxious to have a conversation with Vince and I was worried I wouldn't get the chance so I wasn't exactly present for large portions of the event. After the dinner and the presentation, he came over to the chairs by the podium and started meeting with the organizers. Vince gave a ton of ridiculously strong handshakes to people. When he came over to me he said "it's a pleasure to meet you, big guy" and asked my name before he put his hand out. I matched his stupidly strong grip, and I let him initiate when it would end (I'd do about 3 seconds, this was 10-15), and I kept my arm in a firm L while he tried to shake my arm whole arm. Handshakes really seemed to make him happy. He asked me about process, and asked me if my challenges make it hard for me. I told him that normally I don't make much eye contact, and that I don't smile or frown or arch my eyebrows even though I feel happy or sad or suprised by the things people say. I mentioned how I've meticulously developed my sense of humor, and that I played sports to try to make up for my social defecits. He said that when he was a young man he had a hard time looking people in the eye but that when he started feeling confident and successful he was able to do that. He said "what that boils down to" (which is a phrase I enjoy) is liking yourself. I told him about growing up in North Carolina and he shared some similar stories and he got emotional, which overwhelmed me and made me uncomfortable so I redirected the conversation back to the event. He said how proud he was to meet a group of smart, capable people who like themselves. He told me how much he admired one of the financiers, a guy who invented a process of audio compression with some really severe social difficulties.