>>6889925I really don't care about the slot, it shouldn't be an excuse for poor booking that seems like it came straight out of a TEW autobooker.
Case in point: My waifu is getting another shot at the title out All Out, I should be fucking ecstatic! Why am I not? Because this is what she's done since her last shot. Zero meaningful wins on television and racking up wins in 6-mans on Dark.
What's happened as far as storylines since then: She teamed up with Rosa, Britt & Co. called Rosa a sandbagger, Jamie pinned Toni in a tag match for at BotB, Kris got injured (who has not been involved with anyone in this story but is the kayfabe reason for making Toni the #1 contender?), and they immediately the route of "We're friends, but also rivals and I want that belt".
Tony didn't lose the plot...there is no plot. No one could possibly care about this unless you're just happy your favorite female is involved.