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I'm going to probably see stupid shit on here from a few of you, most of you maybe all of you in this post if it gets attention. Enjoy the time with your loved ones. Because even if you give them every bit of your time if they leave far too soon it's still going to work you in a blistering shoot. I didn't go out on bad terms with my dad but try to keep your family relationships good, unless they are truly pieces of shit. I have been on 4chan since 2008. I have been on /asp/ since day one until the morning/night depending where you were it was ended for this and I was here for that. I expect either no replies. Some mixed replies overwhelming negative or supplies.
I expect KWADAB/KWADD' anons father x in the late fall of 22. I expect nothing, the best, the worst indifference off topic I do not care. Regardless of how you respond to this if there are people you loved and cared about reach out to them. My dad an I went out on good terms I spent a lot of time with the man. Learned a lot of good advice and learned a lot not what to do based on his actions. So many in my family will not get the closure that maybe at one point they deserved from my father. To varying degrees of they did deserve closure to they are pieces of lifetime garbage who only deserve the fucked up feelings that they felt.
My dad died before his dad died. Because his parents are in their 80s and their mental is down my they said terrible things to my dad and my dad told my grandpa to put a pillow over my sleeping grandmothers face and shoot her. I fought with my dad the last 3 months of his life to get him to apologize to him. After a month he apologized to my grandma now it was about his dad who wouldn't talk to him. I tried to get them to talk to each other. To be men who spent their lives 62 years of my fathers basically alongside or near each other. 3 times my grandpa denied talking to him.