We sincerely apologise for the typographical errors in the previous summary. Believe me, that will be the last time we let our interns write any of these. Outsourcing to... gah, whatever.
The fun doesn’t stop there though folks, as we now turn to the here and now...
Kicking off the live show tonight, we have another funky remix of an old school classic, where THE Boston Crab looks to defend the honour of her cousin, one of Spaghetti Town’s brave firefighters! That’s right, THE Boston Crab is set to compete in the first ever Stop, Drop & Rollups match!
Her opponent, the... uh, “sister” of Ava Mortis, making her in-ring debut, “Eva” Mortis! They must be completely different people. I’ve never seen Ava wear pink before. No matter the clothing, if Eva is anything like her sister then things are about to get hectic in a hurry.
Unfortunately, due to another mess-up by our intern -- THANKS KUMAR -- there were not actually any stop signs placed around ringside, or indeed under the ring. So, ah, just pretend, yeah? Whatever, there’s the bell!