Quoted By:
>Who is a winner?
>I AM!
>Who is unbeaten in WWA?
>I AM!
>You ALL wanted me to lose. You wanted the whore to beat me. You worthless poors wanted to see me brought down to your level. How did that go? HAHAHAHA
>You thought losing my home would break me? I still have my money, I'll just buy another one. No, I'll buy TWO.
>You know what else I have? The Divine Angels. And that's what I want to talk about. We are the hottest new faction in this company. Lucy Lincoln the standout rookie. Lightning Nika.. well, she's a mess let's be honest, but I'll find a use for her. You know what else we have? ME.
>I debuted in this company and quickly became the best thing it has going for it. I am unbeaten. I look better than everyone. I'm richer than everyone. I AM THE END ALL BE ALL.
>And then there's Nikki. You know, I dreamt up all kinds of ways to punish her. And trust me, I'll make all of those dreams reality.
>But what does that do for ME? Sure it's fun but how does that REALLY benefit me? It doesn't.
> That's when I realized, I need to grow up. I need to be a big girl. Not use Nikki the way Princess what's her name uses Raging Red.
>And Nikki, well, I'm better than her, obviously, but she's no pushover. On another day she might have even won today. Can't believe I'm saying that but it's true.
>So that all got me thinking. Lightning Nika has been useless so far. Lucy looks promising but she's unproven.
>But Nikki? I know what I'll get with her, and I want it. So, she's my valet now, right? That was the stipulation. Well I'm making my valet a member of my faction. She's mine to do what I want with after all. Nikki Kade is no longer a human being. She's my property, my pet, and she will be my best asset.