Quoted By:
Shogun’s right in the dojo, getting ready for the Rookie Cup. She trains against Unnamed Hopeful, a masked wrestler who’s been training relentlessly in preparation for a WWA debut. The two’s high-flying techniques collide, and one intense flippy shit match later, Shogun’s managed to come out on top. Despite Unnamed being still relatively limp, and both girls drenched in sweat and exhausted, Shogun gives a limp handshake to her before slowly standing up. A WWA Dojo trainer walks up to the outside of the ring.
“EXCELLENT work, Shogun! You ought to be proud.”
Shogun bows, before nearly getting clocked in the head with a bottle of water that she barely manages to catch.
>”Th-thanks…I’m just doing what the kami will by fighting here. And let’s be honest, I haven’t done that much yet.”
“Hey now, don’t say that! So far, you’ve lasted the longest against Mighty Milf on her warpath for the IC belt, and REALLY stuck it to Bishamonta. That’s some damn fine competition! Bishamonta was a title contender, for God’s sake!”
>”I suppose you’re right. That being said, anything can happen during the Rookie Cup. I was too busy chasing after Bishamonta and her sister that—besides Holly—I’ve barely met anyone. I need to work on that…”
Th trainer waves their hand dismissively. “Ah, don’t worry about that! Wrestling’s about wrestling. The dojo is a place to become the best of the best, not make friends.”
>”Of course, but in making friends, I can also make myself stronger. I’ve been looking for someone focused on striking and aggression…and Holly stormed off after a couple of minutes.”
Unnamed Hopeful sits up, finally getting her strength back. “Pure strikers? More like pure STINKERS. Flippy stuff's based!”
>”I hate to say it, Unnamed, but I won’t be able to do any ‘flippy stuff’ if I’m punched in the jaw and concussed before I get to the corner.”