>>10593132Shogun felt a bit bothered by La Jefa's casualness. Her complete ignorance in how she dressed after chiding Shogun, her poor choice of words. It was minor, and perhaps exacerbated frustration from recent events...but the girl was just rubbing Shogun the wrong way. But she bit her tongue, and continued to be professional as she made her way to Raquel's van:
>So...any experience dealing with children before?>I can't exactly say I have much myself, besides of course meeting many at the shrine.>Frankly, I can't even imagine what we'd talk about. I mean, our current champion's a megalomaniacal sociopath, our intercontinental champion's her slave, and...well, actually, I don't have much of an issue with Red Hands or the Lovers, but you know how people get about same-sex couples.>And orcs. Especially orcs. I didn't even know there WERE slurs for people with green skin...