>>16748376One of them.
>Predator (Jessie Ventura)>Troy (Nathan Jones)>Punisher (Kevin Nash)>TMNT 2 (Kevin Nash)>Spider-Man (Randy Savage)>The Rundown (the Rock)>The Mummy 2 (the Rock)>Scorpion King (the Rock)>Suicide Squad (John Cena)>Peacemaker (John Cena) Then of course there is Dave Batista's body of work of which most is very good.
>Guardians of the Galaxy (all of them)>The Marvel Crossovers in which the Guardians appear >Army of the Dead>Killers GameAnd then he even has a handful I consider beyond good and into amazing or even kino tier.
>Dune part one and two>Knock at the Cabin>Blade Runner 2049