>>5715928I'm pretty sure DB is eating tree semen to cope rn.
I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Bryan Danielson as a man just fucking plummeted
As we reported here yesterday, Ric Flair got himself in hot water with WWE management by going off the rails and hijacking the WWE 2K14 symposium on Sunday evening before the SummerSlam pay-per-view.
When Bryan humbly stated "I honestly feel like I don't belong up here", Flair instead of putting the guy over and telling him how wrong he was, retorted "Hey Daniel, 41 years of wrestling [Bruiser] Brody and Blackjack [Mulligan] you can imagine how I feel about you being up here, good Lord, Jesus Christ, what would Harley [Race] say about him?"