>>14588197>there is nothing wrong with women dressing however they want, sex work, prostitution, putting lewd photos/videos on the internet to get attention/money/likes/clicks>there should be zero consequences to this behaviour, there should be a church and state style separation between these actions and the rest of these women's lives.>even if the rest of these women's lives directly correlate to their sex work sides, in Skye's case being a public figure>despite there being nothing wrong with women engaging in sex work, men who engage with this content are labelled as creeps, misogynist, sad, incels, simps, etc.>despite the labelling of men who engage with this content being entirely negative, women believe men should support the sex work industry and be respectful of their choice to work in it.>adding onto this, there are so many men desperate to prove that they "aren't like the other guys" that they'll dogpile the weirdo sex pervert guys for being weirdo sex perverts despite the fact that they are also weirdo sex perverts who just have the mental faculties to repress their urges (see that retarded guy who hugged Mickie James)>if you try and argue against this logical nightmare in any sincere manner you're immediately dogpiled by women or the above men and assumed to be a weirdo sex pervert incel right wing nazi.>all this despite the fact that if all men suddenly stopped desiring women sexually and become legitimately completely respectful, the sex industry bubble would burst and these women would have to go to school for 5 years to make powerpoints.>and if women had their ultimate monkey paw wish of attaining true equality, they'd be working minimum wage at an Amazon warehouse or McDonalds.When it comes to these types the only winning move is to vote with your wallet.