>>163112761. Any black people who could be dimes wrestlers don’t because there’s so many more avenues to make money without sawdusting yourself, with that being said
2. Triple H is unironically racist and doesn’t understand black people nor does he care too unless he can exploit them to fill his pockets like getting all these rappers and basketball players to appear on raw and smackdown, Vince was racist in the old fashion “niggers amiright??” dirty south kind of way, he’s had black friends in his life, Triple H is one of those snobby white supremacist eugenics types and sees black people as genuinely inferior to whites, he’s never had a black friend- ever.
3. Black people pretty much dominate all the other sports and people don’t want to see them dominate a fictional one too if they’re given the choice
If a black wrestler wants to get over in Triple H’s nazi regime WWE they’ll have to SERIOUSLY think outside the box with their gimmick, Velveteen Dream is Paul’s ideal black wrestler so use that as a baseline, none of that “yeah I’m a real nigga yo yeah yeah” shit is gonna work